Monday, October 20, 2008

To My Fellow Twilight Fans

I decided, as a good parent, and avid reader myself, to investigate my 16 year-old-daughter's fascination with her friend's recommended book, Twilight. I confess, it took the threat of the imminent need of returning the borrowed book for me to actually beg to keep it just a few days longer. I thus began reading Twilight on a rainy, gloomy day that seemed the perfect atmosphere to read about vampires. Usually, I'm not a fan of first-person writing, but Bella's self-deprecating humor and natural clutziness drew me in with warm inclusion. I consumed the first book in less than 24 hours and fled to the public library to continue the story that intrigued, entertained and enthralled me, and apparently a large portion of the female and reading male population of America and the world. I understand why.
A female's deepest need is for romance. Edward Cullen, as a vampire, not merely an imperfect human man, is the epitome of the perfect partner: strong (supernaturally so), perfectly handsome (also supernaturally so), noble, self-sacrificing, adoring, smart, funny, and indescribably rich.
It is no wonder that the female soul and psyche pursues, if only in fiction, such a soul-mate.
Because I am probably decades older than the average Twilight reader, I am not cynical, but my female soul can resound with the longing. I am happily married, to a man not completely unlike Edward, but a human man with human frailties nonetheless. But, having pursued my need for romance down the road of fiction for many more miles and years than most of Twilight's readers, I have good news.
I have found the True Epitome of the Source and Satisfaction of the Soul of Romance. Might I introduce you, my reader, to Jesus Christ, the perfect lover of my soul. He has all Edward's strengths with none of his weaknesses-he can read my mind. He is eternal, immortal, purely good, righteous, faithful and true. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and his wealth is inexaustible. And not only is He perfectly willing and able to defend me against the Evil One who desired to kill and destroy me, He gave Himself as the only possible sacrifice to save me. Greater love had no man than He who actually laid down His life for me whom He loved.
I instigated this blog, not to decry or knock the wonderful works of fiction enscribed by Stephenie Meyer, but to enjoy them and discover some of the fine similarities of her characters and the Author of every good and perfect gift. I have no desire to discuss the biblical doctrine of the books, but enjoy them purely as very well-written fiction, and delight in comparing, in the spirit of romance, Ms. Meyer's fascinating characters to the infinite reality of my utimate Beloved, Jesus.
Please send me your comments and let's enjoy the comparisons together.
I just don't want to leave a generation of young women who truly need romance and young men who need a hero and example without testimony of the very best and only true example of both.
I'll write about Jacob next time. I actually prefer him, myself. = )